5 Elements of Steampunk

Amazing, really.

Writers Anon - Taunton's Writing Group

steampunk-abstract-time-is-complicated-mike-savad A look back in time (img src. Mike Savad)

by Martine Lillycrop

Many people wouldn’t know what steampunk was if it chugged past wearing a bustle and a top hat.  In reality, it’s one of science fiction’s most widely-known, best-kept secrets.  Except it isn’t really secret.  Even a casual reader of sci-fi, or watcher of TV and film, has come across it in some form or another.

steampunk_pirate_by_lillyxandra-d5173br Lady pirate steampunk costume.

‘Steampunk’ as a term is relatively unknown, yet its influence on modern media, and on fashion, both in the home and in street wear, is huge. Without really trying, it’s managed to penetrate a wide range of products, and has spearheaded a series of ‘modded’ utilitarian items besides influencing the more obvious clothing, watches, tattoos and jewellery.

The term was first coined by author Kevin Jeter as a way of distinguishing his and similar works from the more well-known…

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FUNNY: 20 Nursery Rhymes and 20 Things We Did As Kids

Waaahaahaaaaa (crying voice) I’m so old now, I swore never to grow up, what happened waahaaahaaa

Believe. Aspire. Experience.

kids rhymes

Its children’s day and this is one of the days we are allowed to act like children and reminisce about the good old days.

The days when we line up during assembly according to your height and your class.
The days when we sing National Anthem and say the pledge (some of us don’t even remember the National Anthem anymore).
The days when we take food in our flasks and eat during break time.
The days when we stayed back after school for lessons.
The days when our parents bought crate of coke, limca, mirinda, parle soda with packets of Cabin biscuits for our birthdays.
The days when we cook sand sand food outside.
The days when Cotina school shoes was for the cool kids.
The days we played nurse and doctor.
The days when anyone you liked is your wife and husband (nothing like boyfriend or girlfriend).
The days…

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